I Don’t Think It Will Ever End Ringtone – Wilbur Soot Ringtones Download
I Don’t Think It Will Ever End Ringtone – Wilbur Soot Ringtones Download | brought to you by Free-ringtones.net | Ringtones portal you can trust.
Writer(s): William Patrick Gold
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I Don’t Think It Will Ever End Ringtone
I don’t think it will ever end
~ Lyric by Free-ringtones.net ~
Hey guys
Do you wanna, do you wanna hear something funny? (Yeah)
So uh, I find myself in these cycles like a figure of eight
And it goes like this
I get sad (He gets sad)
And uh, I hide myself away for a bit which is- which is fine
But then in hiding myself I feel silly (He feels silly)
And um, responsively I start forcing myself to go out and interact with people again
Then in doing so, uh, I feel sad (He feels sad)
Which is not a good feeling when you’re supposedly in a ‘good phase’
So as almost a self sabotage, if you will, uh
I get silly (He gets silly)
And then uh, um, I don’t know
~ Lyric by Free-ringtones.net ~
I’ll write something else
End of [page_title] and Lyric.